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Christopher Key


Christopher Key

Image | Christopher Key

Boat name


Fishing Method

Gill Netting, Hook and line, Longlining, Potting

Chris and his crewman Scott fish out of Boscastle during the summer months mainly working about 50 pots. They also line for mackerel and bass and from time to time undertake some gill netting and long lining.  At present 90% of their catch goes to a little restaurant on the quay at Boscastle called the Rocket Store. There are only a few fishermen still fishing east of the Camel River in small boats.

Chris has fished for more than 50 years, initially from Port Isaac but more lately out of Boscastle.

Scott has worked out of Boscastle and Port Isaac for more than 20 years working with Jim May and thereafter on his own account with boats called Industrious and Beeny.


Fish Caught


Bass, Seabass

Dicentrarchus labrax

Spider crab by Sarah McCartney

Cornish King Crab

Maja brachydactyla



Hommarus gammarus

mackerel by Sarah McCartney


Scomber scombrus

Cornwall Good Seafood Guide is underpinned by the Marine Conservation Society (MCS) Good Fish Guide. The first UK consumer guide to sustainable seafood. For more information visit

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